
Photography & Video For Schöfferhofer Weizen

Two months ago I was approached by a media agency to shoot the stills and video for the new Schöfferhofer Weizen campaign featuring record German freediver and ORIS ambassador Anna von Boetticher.

Photography and Video for the Schöfferhofer Weizen campaign.

Photography and Video for the Schöfferhofer Weizen campaign.

Schöfferhofer is a German brewery and they chose to use Anna as the face of their #PRICKELND campaign and it is great to see the sport of freediving getting more and more exposure in the media.

We filmed and shot all the footage and stills in Dahab, Egypt over just a few days (except for the interview and manta footage which was not mine) and it was really fun working with Anna. Currently the online video is only available as a German commercial, but the result is still great.


As always, all these images and footage were taken with my trusy Ikelite 5DmkIII housing and DS-161 strobes.
Feel free to browse other stills from this campaign by clicking the image below…

Anna von Boetticher is also a ORIS brand ambassador.

Anna von Boetticher is a ORIS brand ambassador.
