Each winter, one of the most incredible events in the natural world unfolds in the Norwegian Arctic and for many it is the opportunity of a lifetime to witness it firsthand… Footage – National Geographic. Sadly, due to the recent actions of some, this might not be possible for much longer and the days of seeing orcas and humpback whales in such a natural setting might be nearing its end,

  Magic Lantern RAW Underwater During a research expedition to film orca in Norway last November, I decided to get the most I could out of the video footage I was tasked to shoot. In order to achieve this and to maximise the quality and editing flexibility I opted to use the 5DmkIII Magic Lantern Firmware to shoot Uncompressed 14-bit RAW video underwater. The results were nothing short of incredible…

  Review Of The ORIS Force Recon GMT Jacques de Vos is qualified as a Commercial Diver, Recreational SCUBA Instructor and Freediving Instructor Trainer and works as a full time Professional Underwater Photographer & Cameraman. Review Criteria Reviews for dive watches are carried out in my capacity as a diver where every dive watch is worn on a daily basis for a minimum of 10 days and put through its

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