Check out the latest issue of the Freediving magazine which features some of my images along with the second installment of Linda Paganelli’s article on equalisation…       

Check out this months souvenir edition of Digital Camera Magazine featuring some of my freediving photography. I’ve enjoyed reading this awesome magazine for years so I am very grateful to have my work be featured!      

I am extremely happy to be featured as ‘Photographer Of The Week’ on the prestigious Dive Photo Guide – Underwater Photography & Video website this week. Thank you very much to Lia Barrett for the awesome article and to Linda Paganelli for being such a great freediving model! Full article can be viewed on thr DPG website here:    

This review is aimed at competitive and recreational Freedivers (deep diving). Some time ago I did some research to find the best footpockets for a pair of newly acquired carbon blades and although there are quite a few options available on the market, my search was finally narrowed down to two brands. Presently considered amongst many to be the best on the market, the two options were the Salvimar 4One

Since posting the monochrome shot of Linda Paganelli Freediving Ras Mohammed I’ve had countless requests to post the original shot (in colour)…   The shot was 100% un-cropped and even has some hidden details like a Blue Spotted Sting Ray at the bottom left of the shot (a resident of this cave), being able to clearly read the branding on Linda’s suit and fins as well as great detail in

Apparently last year 16000 entries from 130 countries were received for the annual National Geographic Photo Contest… Given these numbers, seeing the quality of images of participants who have already submitted their entries and taking the 15 USD entry fee per submission into account makes even the best of photographers ask themselves: ‘Should I even bother?’ If you can see past the odds of actually winning and find pleasure in

I’ve been using now for nearly two years and it was a great source of information as well as inspiration. The support from other members was also invaluable and I’ve learned much from studying other photographers discussions, photos and comments. Last night I launched this site (partially) and as a semi-farewell to Flickr posted a photo I took in Dahab Egypt of Linda Paganelli while we were diving at

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