Nov 2011
National Geographic 2011 Photo Contest

Apparently last year 16000 entries from 130 countries were received for the annual National Geographic Photo Contest…
Given these numbers, seeing the quality of images of participants who have already submitted their entries and taking the 15 USD entry fee per submission into account makes even the best of photographers ask themselves: ‘Should I even bother?’
If you can see past the odds of actually winning and find pleasure in seeing your work on National Geographic’s homepage and appreciate the opportunity to have it seen by potentially thousands of people from all over the world, then the answer (for me at least) is ‘yes’.
I have personally never entered a competition of this scale so for me it’s a first…I might be fairly certain that I wont take first prize but the exposure of a competition like this surely makes a submission worth it and seeing one or two of my shots under the National Geographic banner is a major plus!
If you like my entries please take a moment to click ‘like’ on Facebook and be sure to visit National Geographic’s Photo Contest section where you can vote for this years winners in the three different categories (nature, people, places)