Mar 2014
Filming Large Marine Life For EpicTV

The last few weeks I was fortunate enough to be called upon to work as the main underwater cameraman (while freediving) for a new mini series called Oceanminded which is to be featured on EpicTV.com
A clip of myself filming blacktips courtesy of Emil Sergel
Filming started in Cape Town, South Africa with Swedish Emil Sergel of TheNetwork and along for the ride was Rolex/Our World Underwater Scholar, Jeff Hester. Here we followed Hanli Prinsloo as she went diving with some of the larger marine life around the Cape Peninsula. This included Cape Fur seals in the Atlantic (which are technically sea lions!), Cowsharks in False Bay and Mako and Blue Sharks roughly 60 km south of Cape Point where we also encountered a Great White.

The next stop was the eastern coast of Southern Africa (Durban and Mozambique), where we hooked up with Akim Adhari of Seaquest Freediving and world record freediver and mountaineer Annelie Pompe. Here we had amazing encounters with Bottlenose dolphins, Blacktip and Bull sharks and everything from turtles, manta rays and several species of stingrays to huge schools of barracuda, several potato bass and a wide variety of other large fish.

Truly an epic adventure with some very memorable experiences which will stick with me for life, including fulfilling a lifelong dream of interacting with bottlenose dolphins in the wild.

The first episode of Oceanminded is planned to air at the end of April, so be sure to keep checking back for new weekly installments which will feature footage from this adventure! For more information visit EpicTV.com